Flight Simulator in Excell 97


1.     Open a new blank work sheet.

2.     Press F5 and type X97:L97 in the " Reference " box, then click OK.

3.     Now hit your tab key once ( you should end up in the cell M97 ).

4.     Press " CTRL " and " SHIFT " while clicking once on the " CHART Wizard" Icon ( the one at the top with the blue-yellow-red bar chart ).

  After a few moments you should be flying. Steer with the mouse, accelerate and decelerate with the left and right mouse buttons respectively, and look for the monolith with the programmer credits. You can exit the screen by pressing " CTRL + SHIFT + ESC ".

     This is true and it works. That is why MS programs are so big!

Windows 95

    Windows 95 Splash (Multimedia):

1. Right-cllick Desktop, select New/Folder.

    2. Name folder "and now, the moment you've all been waiting for"

    3. Right-click folder, select rename, type "we proudly present for your viewing pleasure"

    4. Right click folder, select rename, type "The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!"

    5. Double-click folder.

Netscape Navigator:

    View Netscape's Fish Cam:

    1. Ctrl-Alt-F

    View quote from the Book of Mozilla (Netscape's mascot):

     1. Type "about:mozilla" into location box, press return.

Office 97:

    Office 97 slash screen:

    1. Load Office 97 Shortcut Bar.

    2. Click small Office 97 icon in upper left.

    3. Select About Microsoft Office.

    4. Ctrl-Alt-Shift+Double Click puzzle piece.    

Powerpoint 97:

    PowerPoint 97 splash screen:

    1. Select Help/About Microsoft PowerPoint.

    2. Click the PowerPoint icon in the dialog box.

Windows 98 Easter Egg

1. Open the time & date settings by double-clicking on the time on the taskbar.
2. Click on the time zone tab.
3. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on Egypt in the map.
4. While still holding down the mouse button and the Ctrl key, drag the cursor to Alabama or Missisippi.
5. Release the mouse button but still hold the Ctrl key, and then press the mouse button and drag the cursor to Redmond, WA (where the Microsoft Headquarters is located).
6. Release the mouse button and the Ctrl key, and the easter egg should be in action.

Note: You have to try a few times to get the easter egg working.

        Word 97 Pinball

1. Create a new document in Microsoft Word 97.
2. Type Blue (capitalized).
3. Highlight the text.
4. Right-click on it, and select the font... option.
5. Change the text to blue and bold.
6. Click OK, and click anywhere in the white area of your document.
7. Press the spacebar.
8. Click Help (in the menu), and click About Microsoft Word.
9. Double-click on the Microsoft logo on the left side, and the egg should go into action.

Internet Explorer 4 Easter Egg

1. Launch Internet Explorer.
2. Click on the Help toolbar, and select About Internet Explorer.
3. Ctrl+click the "e" symbol, and while still holding down, drag it to the left of the Internet Explorer 4 text.
4. While still holding down, quickly and forcefully drag the symbol onto the globe, If you do this correctly, the text should slide away and reveal a button called Unlock.
5. Click the Unlock button. The globe should start shaking.
6. Drag the "e" onto the globe, and the easter egg should go into action.

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